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1. Visit our website

2. Information for customers

3. Information for potential customers and interested parties

4. Information for suppliers

5. Online form for newsletter registration

6. Job application

7. Information for event visitors

1. Visiting our website

The protection of your personal data is of particular concern to us, Murexin GmbH. We therefore process your data exclusively on the basis of the statutory provisions (GDPR, TKG 2003). In this data protection information we inform you about the most important aspects of data processing within the framework of our website.

The following data is processed or logged when you visit our website:

• Browser type/version

• operating system used

• Referrer URL (the previously visited site)

• Host name of the accessing computer (IP address)

• Time of the server request

We only use this data to optimise the presentation and in the event of illegal use of our website and delete it after 7 days, unless there is a legal reason for a longer storage period. The data will not be passed on to third parties.

As part of this data processing, the data is transferred to an IT order processor within the affiliated companies. On a case-by-case basis, the service provider uses sub-contract processors (e.g. Google LLC).

1.1 Cookies

We also use cookies to make our website user-friendly. These are small text files that are stored on your end device. They do no harm. Some cookies remain stored on your end device until you delete them. They enable us to recognise your browser on your next visit.

If you do not wish this, you can set your browser so that it informs you about the setting of cookies and you only allow this in individual cases.

If cookies are deactivated, the functionality of our website may be restricted.

1.2 Web analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland (Registered Number: 368047). Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyse how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website will generally be transmitted to and stored by Google on its IT infrastructure in Ireland.

Data processing is based on the legal provisions of Section 96 Para. 3 TKG and Art. 6 (1) (a) (consent) and/or f (legitimate interest) of the GDPR.

Our ambition in the sense of the GDPR (justified interest) is the improvement of our offer and our web appearance. Since the privacy of our users is important to us, the user data (IP address) is pseudonymised. Hereby, the last digit of your IP address is deleted. This means that only a rough localisation is possible.

If you want to prevent the collection by Google, you have the following options:

• Deactivate the use of cookies in your browser

• Click on this link: [link]. An OptOut cookie is set here

• Install a plugin: []

Further information from Google can be found here:

1.3 General information

You have the following rights if the legal requirements are met: right to information, rectification,

deletion, restriction, data transferability, objection or possible revocation. Please use the email address for this purpose.

 Further, you have the right to complain to the supervisory authority, in our case the Austrian Data Protection Authority.

1.4 Online brochures & print form orders

Your voluntarily provided data in the online order form will be used exclusively for the purpose sending you the desired brochures, price lists and magazines. The provision of this data is not required by law or contract.

We commission a delivery service to dispatch the printed matter. They receive your data for the purpose of processing the delivery.

As part of this data processing, the data is transferred to an IT order processor within the affiliated companies.

We mandate your data only for the purpose mentioned above. They will then be deleted immediately unless there is a legal basis for further processing.

You have the following rights if the legal requirements are met: right to information, correction, deletion, restriction, data transferability, objection or possible revocation. Please use the email address for this purpose.

Last but not least, you have the right to complain to the supervisory authority, in our case the Austrian Data Protection Authority.

2. Information for customers

We, Murexin GmbH,  emphasize to the protection of your personal data. Therefore we inform you, in accordance with the relevant data protection regulations – in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DSG) – about the collection, processing and use of your data in the context of your customer relationship with us.

In the context of your customer relationship we process the following data:

• Name

• Address

• Contact data such as telephone number, fax number, email address (also of the customer’s contact persons)

• Internal customer-specific data such as customer number, customer type or customer category

• Object of delivery and service

• Payment information such as terms of payment, discount scale

If you are not  a regular customer, but we nevertheless process your personal data necessary for the performance of the contract, this data has been transmitted to us for this purpose via persons commissioned by you (e.g. processors, construction companies, intermediaries).

2.1 Purpose of the data processing / passing on of the data

For the contractual or pre-contractual fulfilment of our business activities, we process your personal data based on Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR. In addition, we have a legitimate interest in using the data for statistical evaluations so that we can optimally adapt our products to the market.

We are also interested in regularly informing our customers about the latest status of our products. Therefore, on the basis of our legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR, we take the liberty inform individuals in a customer relationship with us by means of a regular newsletter for the purpose of information and news regarding our products. More detailed information about the newsletter can be found further below in the text. Of course you have the right to object to this newsletter.

Several recipients receive personal data for processing purposes. These are:

• Shipping companies for the delivery of our products

• Dispatch service provider for the dispatch of newsletters.

• Credit check

The data will not be passed on to other third parties unless the data is necessary for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims before a court or authority. In this case, too, the data will be deleted immediately after the end of the procedure.

2.2 Retention period

In Austria, legal retention periods apply to business documents, which we of course comply according to Austrian law. If there is no further legal basis, the data will be deleted immediately. This does not apply if the data is necessary for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims before a court or an authority.

2.3 Data privacy

We will treat your personal information and personal data with the utmost care and discretion, store it and use it only for the intended purpose. The provisions of the GDPR and the DSG are, of course,  adhered and, in particular, ensured by appropriate organisational and technical precautions.

2.4 Your rights

You have the right to be informed at any time whether and which personal data we have stored about you. We will also be happy to answer any further questions you may have on the subject of data privacy. In addition, you have a right to correction, deletion, restriction of processing, data transferability, objection and blocking of incorrect or inadmissibly processed data. Please send your request to the following email address:

Should you be of the opinion that the processing of your personal data by us violates the applicable data protection law or your data protection claims have been violated, there is also the possibility to complain to the responsible supervisory authority. In Austria, this is the responsibility of the Austrian Data Protection Authority.

3. Information for potential customers and interested parties

We, Murexin GmbH, attach great importance to the protection of your personal data. Therefore we inform you, in accordance with the relevant data protection regulations – in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DSG) – about the collection, processing and use of your data in the context of your potential customer relationship with us.

In the context of your potential customer relationship we process the following data:

• Name

• Address

• Contact data such as telephone number, fax number, email address

• Internal customer-specific data such as customer number, customer type or customer category

3.1 Purpose of the data processing / passing on of the data

For the pre-contractual fulfilment of our business activities, we process your personal data based on Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR.

The data will not be passed on to other third parties unless the data is necessary for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims before a court or authority. In this case, too, the data will be deleted immediately after the end of the procedure.

3.2 Retention period

In Austria, legal retention periods apply to business documents, which we of course comply according to Austrian law. If there is no further legal basis, the data will be deleted immediately. This does not apply if the data is necessary for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims before a court or an authority.

3.3 Data privacy

We will treat your personal information and personal data with the utmost care and discretion, store it and use it only for the intended purpose. The provisions of the GDPR and the DSG are, of course,  adhered and, in particular, ensured by appropriate organisational and technical precautions.

3.4 Your rights

You have the right to be informed at any time whether and which personal data we have stored about you. We will also be happy to answer any further questions you may have on the subject of data privacy. In addition, you have a right to correction, deletion, restriction of processing, data transferability, objection and blocking of incorrect or inadmissibly processed data. Please send your request to the email address

Should you be of the opinion that the processing of your personal data by us violates the applicable data protection law or your data protection claims have been violated, there is also the possibility to complain to the responsible supervisory authority. In Austria, this is the responsibility of the Austrian Data Protection Authority.

4. Information for suppliers

We, Murexin GmbH,  emphasize to the protection of your personal data. Therefore we inform you, in accordance with the relevant data protection regulations – in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DSG) – about the collection, processing and use of your data in the context of your supplier relationship with us.

In the context of your supplier relationship we process the following data:

• Name

• Address

• Contact person / partner

• Contact data such as telephone number, fax number, email address (also of the supplier’s contact persons)

• Internal customer-specific data such as supplier number

• Object of delivery and service

• Payment information such as terms of payment, discount scale

4.1 Purpose of the data processing / passing on of the data

For the contractual or pre-contractual fulfilment of our business activities, we process your personal data based on Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR.

The data will not be passed on to other third parties unless the data is necessary for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims before a court or authority. In this case, too, the data will be deleted immediately after the end of the procedure.

4.2 Retention period

In Austria, legal retention periods apply to business documents, which we of course comply  according to Austrian law. If there is no further legal basis, the data will be deleted immediately. This does not apply if the data is necessary for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims before a court or an authority.

4.3 Data privacy

We will treat your personal information and personal data with the utmost care and discretion, store it and use it only for the intended purpose. The provisions of the GDPR and the DSG are, of course,  adhered and, in particular, ensured by appropriate organisational and technical precautions.

4.4 Your rights

You have the right to be informed at any time whether and which personal data we have stored about you. We will also be happy to answer any further questions you may have on the subject of data privacy. In addition, you have a right to correction, deletion, restriction of processing, data transferability, objection and blocking of incorrect or inadmissibly processed data. Please send your request to the following email address:

Should you be of the opinion that the processing of your personal data by us violates the applicable data protection law or your data protection claims have been violated, there is also the possibility to complain to the responsible supervisory authority. In Austria, this is the responsibility of the Austrian Data Protection Authority.

5. Online form for newsletter registration “double opt-in”

Below you will find information about the content of our newsletter as well as the registration, dispatch and statistical evaluation procedures. In addition, you will be informed about further information and your rights in accordance with GDPR. By subscribing to our newsletter, you agree to receive its contents and the procedure described. As part of this data processing, the data is transferred to an IT order processor within the affiliated companies.

5.1 Content of the newsletter

You will only receive our newsletter, e-mails and other electronic notifications with advertising content (hereinafter “newsletter”) with your consent or on a legal basis (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR, e.g. customer/supplier relationship). If, in the course of subscribing, you have specified content (as far as possible), these contents are decisive for the consent.

In addition, our newsletter contains news about our products, our company, our sales promotions, our competitions and our events.

5.2 Registration procedure, data and logging

After registration you will receive an email asking you to confirm your registration. This confirmation is necessary so that no one can register with external email addresses. To subscribe to the newsletter it is necessary to enter your email address. Further details in the form are voluntary and serve to optimise the content of the newsletter for our readers. The registration for the newsletter are logged in order to be able to prove the registration process according to the legal requirements. This includes storing the registration and confirmation times as well as the IP address. Likewise the changes of your data stored with our dispatch service provider are logged.

5.3 Use of a shipping service provider

We use the Newsletter2Go service of Sendinblue GmbH to send the newsletter. Both your email address and all other data described here are stored on the servers of the shipping service provider. The shipping service provider uses this data for the dispatch and for the evaluation of our newsletter. You can find a link to the privacy policy of our shipping service provider here

Our contract with the shipping service provider is GDPR-compliant and takes into account the high value of data protection.

5.4 Statistical survey and analysis

Our newsletter contains a pixel-sized file (web-beacon), which is retrieved from the server of the shipping service provider. This will initially collect technical information, such as information about the browser and your system, as well as your IP address and time of retrieval. This information is used for the technical improvement of the service based on technical data or target groups and their reading behaviour based on their retrieval locations (which can be determined by IP address) or access times.

The statistical surveys also include determining whether the newsletter was opened, when it was opened and which links were clicked. This information is not used to observe the user, but to identify the reading habits of our users and to adapt our content to them or to send different content according to the interests of our users.

5.5 Browser view and data management

The newsletter may contain links to the website of the shipping service provider. These links serve the online presentation of the newsletter as well as the possibility to unsubscribe from the newsletter.

5.6 Legal basis and rights

Your consent is based on Art. 6 (1) (a) as well as Art. 7 GDPR. The statistical surveys and analyses as well as the logging of the registration procedure are carried out on the basis of our legitimate interests in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. We are interested in using a user-friendly and secure newsletter system that serves both our business interests and users’ expectations.

We use your data exclusively for the purpose described here. If you revoke your consent and no other legal basis exists, we will delete your data immediately. Of course, you have the right to revoke. Your revocation shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing already carried out.

You have the following rights if the legal requirements are met: right to information, correction, deletion, restriction, data transferability, objection or possible revocation. Please use the email address for this purpose.

We would also like to point out that you may object at any time to the future processing of your personal data in accordance with the statutory provisions pursuant to Art. 21 GDPR. The objection may in particular be lodged against processing for the purposes of direct marketing.

Last but not least, you have the right to complain to the supervisory authority, in our case the Austrian Data Protection Authority.

6. Job application

In order to process your application professionally and transparently, we would like to provide you with the following information:

Your voluntarily provided data and documents will be used exclusively for the purpose of processing your application. The provision of these data and documents is not required by law or contract.

Due to the pre-contractual handling we store these data and documents for 12 months. If you agree, we will extend the storage period to 2 years for the purpose of contacting us. Of course, you have the right to revoke in this case. Your revocation shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing already carried out.

You have the following rights if the legal requirements are met: right to information, correction, deletion, restriction, data transferability, objection or possible revocation. Please use the email address for this purpose.

Last but not least, you have the right to complain to the supervisory authority, in our case the Austrian Data Protection Authority.

7. Information for event visitors

We, Murexin GmbH, emphasize to the protection of your personal data. Therefore we inform you, in accordance with the relevant data protection regulations – in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DSG) – about the collection, processing and use of your data in the context of your visit to our events

Within the framework of our events we process the following data on a case-by-case basis:

• Name

• Address

• Contact data such as telephone number, email address

• Areas of interest

• Documentary images relating to the event

7.1 Purpose of the data processing / passing on of the data

By attending our event or registering for it, you consent to its processing in accordance with GDPR Art 6 (1) (a). We use the personal data for the processing of the event as well as on a case-by-case basis for establishing contact on our part. In addition, photographs of the event can be published, whereby the content and the message of the photograph is carefully checked beforehand so that your personal rights are not violated. In general, these images serve our interests in documentation. The event organiser and our IT service provider may access personal data for processing purposes

on a case-by-case basis.

The data will not be passed on to other third parties unless the data is necessary for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims before a court or authority. In this case, too, the data will be deleted immediately after the end of the procedure.

7.2 Retention period

After the end of the event, we will delete the data immediately, if there is no further legal basis. This does not apply if the data is necessary for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims before a court or an authority.

7.3 Data privacy

We will treat your personal information and personal data with the utmost care and discretion, store it and use it only for the intended purpose. The provisions of the GDPR and the DSG are, of course,  adhered and, in particular, ensured by appropriate organisational and technical precautions.

7.4 Your rights

Of course you have the right to revoke your consent Your revocation does not affect the lawfulness of the processing up to this point in time.

In addition, you have the right at any time to information about whether and which personal data about you is stored by us. We will also be happy to answer any further questions you may have on the subject of data privacy.

In addition, you have a right to correction, deletion, restriction of processing, data transferability, objection and blocking of incorrect or inadmissibly processed data.

Please send your request to the following email address:

Should you be of the opinion that the processing of your personal data by us violates the applicable data protection law or your data protection claims have been violated, there is also the possibility to complain to the responsible supervisory authority. The Austrian Data Protection Authority is responsible for this in Austria.